Archive for October, 2010


AS Coursework

October 5, 2010









These two pictures are of me constructing my preliminary task. You can see in the original picture (shown in the picture of my original contents page) that the left side of the table is non existant but that it has been added in to the front cover. This I did my copying the pattern and shape of the right side of the table, flipping it and moving it across. This I thought was very effective as it now makes the picture seem more full, as it originally would have had a gap there or I would have had to place the model slightly off to the left to compensate, thus losing the central location.

Here is an example of where my magazine started off. The model is an image taken from the internet and is in a similar position to how I wanted to have my model but at that point I had not yet taken my pictures and needed something to help guide my placing of text etc.

The picture on the right is the full picture that I finally used for my front cover. I chose to do it against a white wall so as the create the starkest contrast and therefore make photoshop much easier (when cutting around the model). At first I tried cutting around the tuning pegs at the top of the guitar but this proved tricky and did not look very professional so instead I moved the image and made it larger so that the neck of the guitar leads off the cover, meaning no tuning pegs at all. I was going to use the other picture as I liked the fact the model was not looking directly at the camera but when I asked a few people they all agreed that the model should look at the camera unless directly involved in an activity, and whilst my model is holding a guitar, he is not playing or performing.



This picture was one I considered using but was not keen on the position of the guitar. It is facing straight on which, in my opinion, made the guitar look like a prop (despite the fact it is) whereas when placed at an angle, as in my other pictures, it looks much more like it is being played. When put to a vote during an audience feedback session it came to light that the most popular picture of the three was the one I eventually used.




I created the heading and date for my contents page long before I went anywhere else with it. Deciding on a style, a way of presenting the contents, took me a while to decide and so this was how my contents looked for a while, whilst I continued with the front cover. Once that was done I was able to have a clear image of what i wanted for the contents.