
Planning my horror movie plot

November 3, 2010

This is a brief outline of my plotline for my final piece-

A man is walking down a road/path through the woods (it is on his way home, hence the road/ path, he is not in the middle of nowhere). He notices a shoe over near a tree and goes over to look seeing that it has been haphazardly buried under fallen leaves. He finds a coat nearby and searches through it. He finds nothing other than an old book or diary. Reading through the diary he discovers that a series of people had found this diary in various places and each one had begun writing in it, continuing from the last entry, detailing ominous events and several mentions of the word ‘cannibalism’. Taking the book home he searches the internet for the names of the people in the diary, all lead to missing people. Then searches for cannibalism and finds an age old society of ‘fine diners’ that at one point were claimed to have eaten humans but these were dispelled as rumours yet people still had suspicions. Over the next few days he notices a few strange things happening, walking down an alley he hears footsteps behind him, cars follow him, a strange and silent man walks up to him and hands him a piece of paper on which is simply written ‘Danger’. He then begins to panic much more and is scared by a few harmless events, objects falling over, wind blowing etc and decides to take the book back to the woods and get rid of it. He gets to the woods and throws the book away at which point a quiet chanting starts up ‘fourteen, fourteen’. He searches around becoming more and more hysterical shouting at nothing when he trips on a length of rope and lands on a spike, both of which have been purposefully placed, and as he lies there he is enclosed by people as it fades to a close.

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