
Construction of Film Magazine

May 4, 2011

My original masthead and background.

I began searching for an appropriate font for my Masthead and came across a font called ‘Magnum’. This I liked and decided for it to be the name of my magazine.

I then set about creating the masthead itself, I used emboss to get a slightly 3D feel to the title, making the magazine have cutting edge undertones.

From here I really studied what other features on a front cover other magazines had and put these into mine. Things like price, awards won by the magazine, date etc.

This is after studying other magazines

I decided at this point that what I had did not suit a horror issue of a film magazine and so I altered a number of the colours. I also began to think about the picture that would be placed in the centre. It was suggested to me that I find a picture online that looks like the picture I would finally want and to photoshop that in to mind, just to see if it works at all.

This is with altered colours and a template of what I want as the picture.

I also had to design the title of the movie, ‘Magdalene’. This was done by selecting a font from ‘dafont’ and using it in photoshop. Having seen this mock up I was not entirely sure that this is what I wanted so I changed my ideas slightly. I liked the red background, especially how the church looked n the background. I kept that effect but instead of it covering a building it covered my face as a close up. As you can see in this picture I altered the brightness and hue.

Here I altered the hue and saturation, as well as the brightness.

Here is my finished magazine cover and the comments made thereon by facebook.

The reviews of the magazine front cover were generally positive and this pleased me greatly. I liked a lot about this particular piece as I do think it looks quite professional. From the picture, with a sinister lack of eyes to the font and the masthead. In general, the people in class to whom I showed this said that it worked well, especially the colouration.

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